
Personal Information


Legal Name

Lived Name


NameStreetCity, StatePostal Code

Email Addresses

Email AddressTypeUCM Alert

Phone Numbers

TypeNumberUCM Alert

Emergency Contacts


Optional Personal Information


Providing gender identity and sexual orientation information is voluntary and completely optional.

If you choose to share your information, here is how it may—and may not—be used. Data collected on gender identity and sexual orientation provide UC Merced with meaningful population data necessary for prioritizing resources and other student support services. This data also enables UC Merced to develop curricular and co-curricular offerings that reflect students’ diverse perspectives and that promote a safe and welcoming learning environment for all students. UC Merced only collects this data in the aggregate, meaning your name and bio-demographic information will not be linked.

For more information about resources available to the LGBTQ+ community at UC Merced, visit LGBTQ Resources.

Gender IdentitySexual Orientation
Not specifiedNot specified
UC Merced Self Service Background
UC Merced Self Service Foreground